Why plane seats are always blue


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          Planes are an engineering masterpiece. Since their invention, they made the world a better place. Like never before, we can travel to almost every corner of the world within hours.


          Before the invention of the planes, to cross the Atlantic and reach the United States, it would take about 1 to 2 months, but today for a few hundred dollars, you can board Boeing 747 in London and land in New York in about 7 hours.


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           Boeing 747 is a flying might that is made up of 6 million pieces and can speed up to 955 kilometers an hour. Unlike cars that spend most of their time parked outside your house, planes are made to fly all the time. The only time they land is when they need to get passengers onboard or go through maintenance checks or when there is a pandemic in the streets and airports are closed down.


           Even though due to the pandemic there has been a 96 percent reduction in the number of passengers, 54 percent of planes at least in the United States are flying with just a few passengers.


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           But why would airlines fly with minimum passengers at a loss? That’s insane! Among a few other reasons, planes need to fly to be fit constantly. This means the crew doesn’t have much time to clean up the plane. That’s why they must be designed in such a way to look clean all the time.


           Fabrics are chosen for their hard-wearing qualities, and airlines tend to go with dark blue fabrics for maintenance reasons - it’s much more of a bother to clear up a red wine spill on white fabric than on blue, as most of us have discovered the hard way.


           Blue color represents calm if you are an 18- year old teenager, you are probably not afraid of flying. But the aviation industry isn’t that old. Of course, planes exist for around a century now, but commercial airlines as we know them today began to develop after world war II.


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           And as recent as the 2000s, not many people had the opportunity to fly. In fact, even today in the 21st century, despite the aviation industry growing so fast, if you don’t count the last 2 months, 5% of the world’s population has ever flown on an airplane, which is extremely low.


           But that also means, most people are afraid of flying. Some statistics point out that around 80 percent of people are scared to fly. Of course, it doesn’t make sense to be afraid of boarding a plane since comparing it to other modes of transport such as cars, its a much safer option.




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           Regardless people are afraid of heights that’s why planes are purposefully designed in such a way to make you feel safe. For example, the color red is associated with objects to signify danger or to alert people that they need to stop.


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           Green is used to alert people to the presence of an emergency exist. It helps people to escape if they have to.


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           And blue is the calm color that doesn’t trigger an immediate response. It is associated with the positive qualities of “trust, efficiency, serenity, coolness, reflection, and calm”.


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           The airline business is expensive. It’s not like YouTube, where all you probably need is a camera and a computer. The most popular aircraft is Boeing 737-800, which is the best selling aircraft of all time, it costs around 110 million dollars.


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           Some Boeing like 747-400, which are quite common today, cost around 420 million dollars per unit. So, if you are starting an airline, you better have at least a dozen of them to provide more destinations to be able to compete with other airlines.


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            These planes are not expensive by accident, they are an engineering masterpiece, with millions of separate parts. Boeing spent over 7.4 billion dollars adjusted to inflation just to develop this plane that dominated the skies.


           But to be able to take passengers on board, they have to go through multiple tests. Seats, for example, need to be certified by aviation authorities, which differ depending on the route it’s traveling. And even after it’s certified for one aircraft, if that seat design is used on another aircraft, it will need to be re-certified.


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           Its an expensive process that costs millions of dollars, and it’s why airlines try to avoid having to redesign or change their seats too often. That’s why, to save cost, airlines chose to go with standard seats, especially the budget ones, purchased directly from manufacturers, which are already certified and cheaper.


           However, as the industry exploded since traveling is becoming more and more affordable, many different airlines chose to take the extra mile and redesign their seats to appeal to a different niche of customers who are ready to pay a little bit extra to have more pleasing flying experience.


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           Take an example of emirates, one of the leading airlines in the world, which always priorities comfort over cost. That’s their prices can usually be a bit higher than average. If you take a look at their seats, there are often beige or gold to represent luxury and goes hand in hand with their branding, and everything emirates stand for.


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           This is Qatar Airways, their seats are purple and white that’s similar to the colors that are used in their flag. If you have ever seen videos or pictures of private jets, you rarely have noticed that they have blue seats, because they don’t the private jet market is a luxury market, and planes are either designed to the taste of the buyer or as luxurious as possible to attract the wealthy individuals who can afford to a private jet.


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