Things Rich People (Millionaires) Do That Poor People Don't-01

Whether you’re a morning person or not, there are certain things you should never do in the morning and who better to learn it from than the rich people – the people who we think have it all together?


Whether they do or don’t have it all together, they do one thing right – manage their money, so let’s take a look at the top 7 things rich people never do in the morning to see how you stack up.


Maybe there are habits you need to change which will help you achieve your dreams of becoming rich too.


It’s not always about the job you have or the investments you hold, but rather how you conduct your life and where you put your resources.

Without further and, here are the 7 things rich people never do in the morning.


                AVOID THEIR FEELINGS


First, rich people don’t avoid their feelings. We know, it’s a lot easier to avoid the ‘bad stuff’ and just act like it’s all sunshine and rainbows, but it’s not – nobody’s life, no matter how perfect it looks or how much money they make have it all together.


Life happens and we must be able to feel to move through it. This is why rich people journal. They get those feelings out first thing in the morning. They use it to gauge their temperature.


They can tell by what they write down what they need to do for the say. Sometimes it may be that they need a break from life, yet other times it serves as the motivation to get things done for the day. Take 5 to 10 minutes of your morning and journal.


You may be surprised to learn how much you can get out and how much better you feel going through your day.




Life today feels rushed, especially as things get back to normal. If you aren’t on the go, you must be doing something wrong, right? Rich people say otherwise.


They do the exact opposite. They don’t rush into their day, running to the computer, checking emails, answering phone calls, or putting out fires. Nope, they take care of themselves first.


   Obviously everyone has a different daily plan, but in general, rich people take their time in the morning.


They take time for meditation (there are many forms), creating to-do lists, and prioritizing their time. When you rush into your day, you feel like you’re constantly putting out fires and like you can’t get one thing accomplished.


Instead, slow down, give yourself time to think, and plan your day. Your mind and body will thank you and be much more productive throughout the day.


                    WATCH TV


Watch TV (they read instead) Many people have the habit of lying in bed and watching TV, especially the news.


While it may seem smart to catch up on the latest news, especially if you invest, it’s not the smartest way to do it. Instead of watching TV, rich people read. They start with the newspaper. Sure, they’ll see the same news, but they’ll get much more information and faster.


They don’t have to sit through 2 hours of the news watching the same broadcasts repeatedly just to get to the segment they want.


In addition to the paper, though, rich people read self-help books. Not because something is wrong with them, but because they constantly want to up their game.


There’s no such thing as reading too much – rich people read everything they can get their hands on.


They may not agree with everything they read, but even getting a few new ideas from a book helps them pivot and make their lives (and finances) even better.


                        SKIP BREAKFAST


Skip breakfast (they eat healthy so they can focus) Most people have a love/hate relationship with breakfast.


Those that hate it skip it and those that love it often eat the wrong foods. Rich people do neither of these. They eat breakfast every day, but they eat consciously.


They know the right and wrong foods to eat and they focus on the good foods. Why is breakfast so important? It helps you focus.


When you’re hungry, it affects everything including your thinking. If you can’t make good decisions it affects everything from your job to your finances and even your relationships.


Rich people take the time to eat a breakfast that’s healthy in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbs.


If you aren’t a breakfast person, consider making power smoothies. They are easier to digest and you can take them on the go if you’d rather eat at the last minute instead of right when you wake up.


                           LAY AROUND


Laying around in the morning may feel good at the moment, but it doesn’t fuel your body for the rest of the day.


Think about how you feel when you lay around. Do you feel energized or like you have even less energy?


When you lay around there’s nothing to get you up and going. The more time you spend lying around, the harder it is to do everything.


It’s a vicious cycle that you put yourself in since it’s frustrating and stressful to not get your to-do list accomplished. So what do rich people do?


They get up and exercise. Yep, they are the annoying people you hear about waking up before the birds and getting their workout done. They do this to set their day up and to get themselves going.


It may not be easy at first, but they are certainly grateful when they have more time in their day and more energy to get their stuff done.



    You can’t pour from an empty cup, and the rich people know that well. They don’t ignore their own self-care. They check in with themselves often and assess what they need or even want.


No matter how many people you’re responsible for at home or work, if you don’t take care of yourself you’ll never be able to take care of them at the level you want.


Self-care can take on almost any form, but a few common ways to care for yourself include: Take time for your hobbies (reading, writing, hiking, etc.), do what makes you happy Take time to care for your skin and body, don’t rush into your day all helter-skelter, make yourself look and feel good Ask for help with things you can’t get done, even if it’s making the kids’ lunches every morning, or planning dinner for that night Take quiet time – time for yourself to relax, unwind and truly think about what you need or want


                     WATCH THE CLOCK


Watching the clock is the same thing as rushing into your day – rich people don’t do it. Instead, they set up their routine and stick to it. If they take an hour longer than normal, that’s okay.


They don’t start their day until they feel fulfilled using whatever routine they found that works.


For example, if you set up a routine to wake up, journal before getting out of bed, exercising, eating a healthy breakfast, showering, and dressing for the day, rich people won’t sacrifice.


If they get up later or their journaling takes longer than normal, they will keep going with their routine until they are done. The work will always be there, but the time to care for yourself comes and goes.

As soon as you get into your day, most people put themselves on the back burner. Use the morning as the time to focus on you and what you need before taking care of anyone else.




Rich people are smart – it’s no wonder they got where they are at in life. They know how to take the smart road, not the easy road.


Sure, they have skills and know-how to work their business, but it's everything they do before they start their day that matters.


If you wake up at the last minute, rushing into your day, and feeling stressed all the time, it’s time to take a page out of a rich person’s book.


It’s time to put yourself first and figure out what your brain and body need to set you up for a successful day.


Whether it’s medication, exercise, journaling, or all of the above – give your body and mind what it needs!



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